Quote Originally Posted by DTOM View Post
My commute is only 20 min...10 if everyone would get the hell out of my way! Don't they know the road is mine? Ok, I don't own the road all by myself, but when I ride I like to feel as if I do. Commuting on my six just sucks the fun out of what the machine is capable of and what it is meant to do. Cars, traffic lights, 35 mph speed limits, etc are just not fun. I was recently on a road trip and while in Idaho I had maybe my favorite ~120 mile stretch of all time. We rode from Ketchum, ID to Challis, ID mirroring the Salmon River without seeing a single car on the road. Now that, my friends, is how it should be!
My commute to work sucks, 30 yrs now. But the sweet summer - fall rides make up for most of it.

Undoubtedly one of my favorites also. It's much like Lolo Trail from Lewiston to Bozeman. http://www.her-motorcycle.com/Lolo-Pass.html