Quote Originally Posted by BIGLRY View Post
I have all my personal pic on my California VTX Riders forum's gallery http://www.californiavtxriders.com/phpBB3/gallery/ so when I want to post a personal pic here I use the "Insert Image" button then "From URL" and unchecked the "Retrieve remote file and reference locally"

then use the URL (web address) to post my pic I don't use the "From Computer" tab as we all know it don't work and you get the dreaded red "X"

Now for pic that are on the Web I right click on them to get their URL (address) copy it and use the same process as above to post the pic.
And that is my "work around" You can also use a photo storage site on line then copy the pic's URL(Web address) to post pic....the issue is the forum will not take pic off your computer, but will post pic that have a URL on line.

Here is how it look for an on line pic.

And you then get........

So, I have to buy a VTX & then join a VTX forum just to post a picture. My wife is never going to understand this.

I couldn't resist.....