Quote Originally Posted by 53driver View Post
Uh...3 weeks?!?!?!
What the bloody hell happened?????
Hmm...where to begin...I arranged all this via e-mail and phone calls while I was in Japan. My parts were ordered and the appointment made for the 26th of May. The GF and I made it an extra long weekend and rode up to the shop doing the work on the 25th. I rode the bike over first thing in the morning when they opened. The mechanic came out and was asking questions about the B and what I might like to do to her. Then we went inside and he asked what I wanted to get written up for her. I informed him I was here for my scheduled appointment. Turns out the owner had done everything but put it on the schedule. Parts were there and they found the e-mail chain showing that I did in fact have an appointment that morning. He called the owner whom was out of town and they tried getting me the reschedule...Work is hectic at the moment and that was my one guaranteed weekend off. They arranged to get help from the shop across the street and proceeded to get to work. I left and walked around town with the GF all day.

Late that afternoon I got a text asking me to come to the shop. The other shop decided against helping and the mechanic had only gotten the front end done. The shop offered to pick up my bike at a later date, do the remaining work and return my bike. Since the shop is 4+ hours and an international border away this sounded like a fair compromise. I left, the GF and I rode it to dinner and all was well. The next day we headed out for the rest of our weekend, I saw that the shop was open as we left the hotel. Got an hour down the road and turned off the main highway to head up the Frazier River Canyon and we hit a small bump and the front end made a weird noise. Pulled off in Hope, where they filmed Rambo First Blood, and inspected the front end. I thought it was the plastic fork protector, all seemed well and we went to leave. Was turning out of the parking lot and applied my brakes and the front brake lever went right to the grip. Pulled back into the parking lot and inspected again. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary. GF stayed there and I went to ride around the block. The rear pedal did the same thing and something was sticking/binding in the steering. Pulled back in and checked it out. Decided against going further into are trip. Called the shop and explained what was happening, rode her back. Exiting the freeway my brakes were gone again, they would pump up but first pull had nothing. Talked to the mechanic and left the bike there. Called for a rescue, mom thought I was joking...

Didn't hear from the shop the next week. Called them and they said they thought they had plenty of time as I was so busy. I told them I wanted my bike back sooner rather than later. Another week goes by and I call them and get the whole story. Seems that clunk and my brake issue were from one of the front calipers coming loose and slamming the rim. They had to send my rim out for repair. Got called Tuesday the next week saying they should have it done that weekend. Got a call Friday saying it should be ready to pick up Monday or Tuesday. Called them Saturday morning and got them to confirm it would be ready Monday morning, the owner had to come back in to finish it evidently. Picked it up Monday first thing and neither the mechanic or the owner were there just the poor secretary. Got my keys, finished up my bill and left. Everything seems good so far aside from the sour taste in my mouth from the whole ordeal.