Quote Originally Posted by olegoat345 View Post
We still have freedom of religion in this country, that's any religion we choose. When I was a kid, I ask my Mom about different religions & Gods. She said, "we all pray to the same God. Some religions call him God, other religions call him by different names."
I live in the boonies, orange groves all around me, before that I lived in a wild life refuge, Big Pine Key, Fl., before that rural southern Md. Yep, I'm a country boy. There's not enough money to get me to live in NYC. Way too many people. I can not imagine living anyplace I wouldn't be happy.
If someone chooses to go through life & hate everybody that's "not just like them" that's a choice they make.
I have not always felt this way. But at this time in my life, I chose to leave people alone to live their lives however they want. As long as it doesn't affect me. They don't "have to be just like me." It doesn't matter where they're from, what color they are, who they pray to, who they fall in love with or sleep with. We all have a "right" to life liberty & the pursuit of happiness. That's what I feel, the USA is all about. This country should not be about hate & division.
This is "discussion" is getting way to judgemental, personal & ugly for me. I'm not getting in a pissing contest over others hate & prejudice.
I'll not be posting on this subject again.
Good, because your first post sounds like every other one like John Lennon's song "Imagine", a fairy tale where butterflies and unicorns walk hand in hand in Candyland where you can eat colored rocks and shit rainbows. Unfortunately, you were taught wrong, WE DO NOT all pray to the same God, unless your God is Jesus we are praying to 2 different and distinct entities. I don't know how many homos live around orange groves and I don't care if they want to insert them via PVC pipe internally, like they do gerbils, However, if they want a law forcing my kids to learn about it in school and accept it as "normal" or if the Supreme Court has to hear a case where a baker despite his religious freedoms! guaranteed to him in the Bill of Rights, will be forced to bake a cake for the Butthole Orange Plug Party now we have a problem. They don't want to be left alone they want to force, by judicial force, their life choice on us because they know it's vile and when voted upon they overwhelmingly lost when it came to these freaks unionizing.