Quote Originally Posted by opas ride View Post
Interesting article on the web about how the so-called "Millennials" are really hurting Harley Davidson's sales of big road bikes..Stock is down and sales are off over 20% so far this year..These younger folks don't want to spend money on bigger road bikes and have a fading interest in cars and motorcycles......Ride safe
That's mainly because the millenials are a bunch of wusses. All they want is a cell phone and a video game. You have to blame their parents for that.
You don't see parents involved the way they were a few generations ago. My father taught me how to fish, hunt, shoot, play baseball, change a car tire, the value of a good days work, ethics, morals, etc., etc.
Today everybody gets a trophy and can use the bathroom of their choice.

Just hoping America will be Great Again very soon.