Quote Originally Posted by WEGI View Post
I like dickiedeals idea of two, one on each side. Maybe some folks could do both! Just don't do them at the same time 😊

It is a good idea - however given our "niche" motorcycle, it would be VERY difficult to get a minimum number of bikes (that number being "greater than a ride to eat" and "smaller than a WingDing") at BOTH locations each year.

Historical data:
2014 - I wasn't there
2015 about 70 bikes in Franklin, NC.
2016 was in Russellville, AR and we had 60 bikes.
2017 was Pigeon Forge and we had 50 bikes.
The data can be interpreted and manipulated to make several points, but the fact is we need AT LEAST 60-70 bikes to show for a "GREAT" rally.
That means we would need AT LEAST 80 riders committing, and then have the usual 10-15% attrition as the dates draw near.

The business side of the equation:
We need to have this show of force to keep our sponsors sponsoring us.
With all the rumors of "no new F6b" after the lack of 2017 model, our sponsors were - understandably - a bit wary and we lost several.
If we can get 80 bikes in at least one location for starters, maybe our sponsors will think it worthwhile to come visit us with their trailers (like Value Accessories did in 2017) and show us and let us play with all the cool new toys for our toy.
If we can get 80 bikes in TWO places each year, our sponsors should be putting our Rallys on their calendars.
With our membership in the 4000+ range, I'm guessing at least 25% of those people have an F6B and live in North America/Canada somewhere.
So there are 1000 bikes out there in need of a Rally.
We need to shake the "B-hive" and get our members engaged.

Concepts for continuance:
1. First & foremost: engage/entice/blackmail our membership to attend these annual events.
Yes. Life gets in the way. "Family vacation" does NOT mean riding solo for a week or more. "Work" seldom cooperates with scheduling.
We understand that and attempt to schedule these events such that they would not interfere with summer vacation and would result in minimal time off required from work.
Constructive suggestions are always welcome.

2. Keep the Rally a really great time - no matter the weather.
Everyone who has attended has had a good time, most have a had a great time.
I thoroughly enjoy the camaraderie under the tent each night, getting to know the people behind the forum monikers. We are quite the interesting group.
I also enjoy seeing the bikes and seeing who has done what to their "motorized mistress." Then comparing the mods to the personality of the person riding is quite the study in human/machine interaction.
Oh yeah, the great riding we get to do, the sights we see, the "Kodak moments" we will look back on fondly as the years pass.

3. I'm personally grooving on the idea of annually alternating mountain ranges: Apps/Rockies/Apps/Rockies etc.
Southern Appalachia has probably the BEST roads in the USA and arguably the globe for riding.
The Rocky mountains have some amazing roads as well - which I will say that I've never traveled and am SO looking forward to it.


PS- Don't work so hard such that when you retire all you have on your calendar is doctor visits and health care bills.