Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
Just to clarify, the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights protects American citizens against the government prohibiting their free expression. It has absolutely nothing to do with a spoiled, mediocre, America hating employee of a private organization, the NFL, and his America hating asswipe buddies, disrupting, at his workplace, the one minute and 37 seconds when all Americans, from whatever and wherever, come together to pay tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. And enjoy this gift of American Freedom paid for by the blood of the brave. It shows total and complete ignorance and disrespect for everything that is sacred to America and Americans.

If you are so wrapped up in yourself and your race, creed or color is more important than rising to the common unity of being a participant in this, the greatest experiment of human freedom, then get the fuck out. The boat is waiting for you at the the dock, the plane is on the tarmac, hurry and make room so one who appreciates freedom and is willing to join in and work hard, persevere and succeed can come here and be an American. I am not an Italian American, just an American, and if Italy slid off into the ocean today I would go home, eat a full meal and get a good night's sleep. What should happen at this private place of business is if ANYONE either takes a knee or doesn't hold their hand on their heart or salute you are not only out of the game but you are not paid for that game, do it 3X and you're off the team.

Instead of taking a knee when you're worried about people being shot, on your own time and with your own money, teach people to shut their mouths when pulled over by cops and follow their instructions. I have access to court proceedings and transcripts so if you disagree please give me the case you are citing where someone was pulled over and shot while cooperating with law enforcement.

And being this era of Trump, where the common folk are heard, I would put it on them that until every one of those American hating slime that took a knee publicly apologizes to their fellow Americans for disrespecting the flag and the anthem the stadiums will remain empty. I can dream can't I.