Quote Originally Posted by 3Chief View Post
Please show me that statute. As far as I know you're only required to identify yourself when asked. You're not required to carry ID with you at all times, however it's probably the smarter thing to do these days. The more unfortunate truth is that there are a few to many people in law enforcement and society in general that feel they have a right to impose their views upon the rest of us regardless of the law. I don't care what neighborhood you're in or what type of dog you're walking. As long as you're walking that dog and minding your own business nobody from law enforcement should bother you even if it isn't your neighborhood. Far to many busybodies these days that have nothing better to do than harass others and stick their noses where they don't belong.
I said "First of all you are required to carry and show ID when asked by an officer."
He says "As far as I know you're only required to identify yourself when asked."

Can someone from alpha crypto translations tell me the difference in these two statements, anyway:

New York is a "Stop and ID" state which allows exactly that if the police think a crime has/is/about to be committed - translation - "We've had some reports about robberies in the area do you live around here? Can I see some ID." If I had a dollar every time I've heard that so I say "No problem officer here you go." A little run through the NCIC for any outstanding warrants and a "Thank you for your cooperation." That's the price you pay for living in a, as dadeo says, "low crime white neighborhood." and I'm OK with that because my family left the inner city years ago.

Where we came from was right across the street from the Marcy Avenue Projects in Brooklyn, a shithole, where the drug dealer/rapper Jay Z escaped from, 32 Nostrand Ave, google it. When I worked for the phone company that was a 4 man area meaning 1 guy to escort the technician 2 guys to stay in the truck so they don't rob the truck/contents so please spare me your 'minding your own business" bullshit. The assassin who slaughtered the 2 cops was "minding his own business" until he found his target, got into a firing stance and pulled the trigger. The thief/rapist/murderer are "minding their own business" till they see their mark. That may work out in Bumfuck, Illinois but it's not reality. If a little inconvenience is the price I pay for living in a, as dadeo puts it, a "low crime white neighborhood"so be it, NO ONE aspires to work hard, save their $ to move their family into the slums they do it to get the fuck out as fast as they can like my father did. Like Jay Z, OJ and Colin let them all kill themselves but I'm not going back I'm staying right here in my low crime white neighborhood.

Now if that 14 y.o. was stopped on a nightly basis and ID'd you may have an argument but to run around in this schoolgirl hysteria about how horrible, traumatic and devastating it was to this poor little boy, get over it, keep coddling him and you'll wind up with a spoiled, under achieving, attentioned starved, American hating mediocre player who thinks taking a knee is tantamount to doing something. OOPS, that job is taken.