Quote Originally Posted by dadeo View Post
What the heck are you talking about? I just looked up the Department of The Treasury Organizational Orders concerning revenue collections. While I don't see anything about Puerto Rico, it does say the IRS is part of the US Department of the Treasury. DOO was last rewritten in 1982 under President Reagan's Treasury Secretary (Regan) and edited a couple of years ago. See: https://www.treasury.gov/about/role-.../to150-10.aspx

You can believe what you want, but I am playing it safe and mailing out the check for $245.00 that the IRS office located in Kansas City Mo says I owe because I under paid my estimated taxes for this year. I may hate the IRS, but I know they can kick my butt around....

Been hunting around the Internet regarding what say you about PR and Puerto Rico. Seems as if people started confusing some activity concerning the US setting up some dumb office in PR in the early 1950s when AT THE SAME TIME, Treasury also changed the name of the Bureau of Internal Revenue to the IRS. A little hunting around proved to me that your claim below is nothing more than just a theory posted by some who don't like the IRS.

Oh, and agencies don't have to always get a law passed to change their name, or even to get established. The Department of Commerce changed the name of the Bureau of Export Administration to The Bureau of Industry and Security some years ago with a Departmental Organization Order. The only folks on the Hill that gave a damn were the folks providing the money on the Appropriations Committee. And they cared only in that nobody in Commerce told them beforehand. It pissed them off. The next fiscal year's appropriation bill made it illegal for Commerce to change the name of any Commerce agency without giving Appropriations a 15 day advance warning before. The only thing less meaningful than that name change is your claim below about where the IRS is supposedly located. It doesn't matter and doesn't even seem to be true. Although I did get a good chuckle out of it! (Thanks, this site is all sorts of entertaining).

Not sure why the IRS didn't come after you and your money, but I doubt it had anything about how the agency was authorized. The IRS doesn't care how it was authorized when it comes after someone. The IRS is a fact on the ground, (a painful one though). It's a bit like that 75 year old oak tree in my backyard. I have no idea whether a squirrel dropped a nut to start it, or if some moron planted it. Either way, it drops painful acorns every fall on my deck. Uunlike the IRS, I may be able to actually get rid of the stupid tree.
So what he found on the internet is wrong but what you found on the internet is right, I've done this too many years with too much research under my belt to even entertain an argument. You have no idea what you're saying even though you found all the answers on the internet and we know everything on the internet is true. It's Cognitive Dissonance, I've seen it over and over again you only believe what you're told and can't imagine it ever being a lie. So mail your check in like a good taxpayer. Tax lawyers, rat bastards that they are, wouldn't have a profession if it wasn't for this farce and they'd actually have to go out and get a real job. BTW, Lawyers are the only profession condemned in the bible...twice. There mere fact you said that you don't know why the agency didn't come after me doubting it had anything to do about how the agency was authorized tells me you are clueless on this subject as it has EVERYTHING to do with whether they are authorized. The IRS is a trust out of PR, even though you don't believe it, and that fact was known before the internet existed but you would have to actually have been in the movement to know it, stop Google searching to find your answers it's not impressive. Do you think when you look up Chase Bank they'll tell you that all banks are chartered in the City of London? Wake up. The The NFL Sucks