Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
Thanks for explaining that Mike.

I have always been a proponent for placing nuclear cratering charges along the Kalifornia borders shared with Arizona/Nevada/Oregon. And detonating them.

Just make sure Feinstein, Pelosi and Boxer are resident in the state before it slides off into the Pacific.
I know you would be the man for the job will, I'll drive the getaway Humvee. What you have here is a classic case of jury nullification. What they said loud and clear is we don't give a shit that this girl was murdered we are going to send a message that California will always be a sactuary for illegals regardless of what President Trump says or does. Come here and we will protect you. Liberals have always manipulated minorities, illegals, homos, et. al. to do their bidding. They stay in the background, like a puppetmaster, while maneuvering and targeting the American way of life they despise. They scoff at traditonal nuclear families, Christian values, patriotism, the superiority of Western Civilization and have these useful idiots at their disposal who are more than willing to volunteer for the job. Anything that may hint of the previously mentioned will be put into the cross hairs and have the full weight of their legal antagonists, money and ire fired at them. Example: It's not enough the Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby won their cases at the Supreme Court, that wasnt enough for the California A.G. who filed a case against the Sisters in a direct snub to the Court. To say this is political would be an understatement as it always is.