I was hit while waiting to turn right at a red light. I was waiting for a truck to get thru the intersection from my left when a senior citizen turned left in front of the big obvious truck. She also went thru a red turn arrow. I found myself looking at a car spinning towards me. Only one thought went thru my head as the car came: Don't get hit, jump onto the little car. I was unhurt. My old Burgman was totaled. The driver was meds that doped her up and she was 78. She admitted to the paramedic that she didn't want to drive that day because she wasn't feeling well. Found out later she had a stroke several months before but nobody in the family wanted to challenge her driving.

It confirmed to me that I did the right thing 10 years ago when I took my Dad's keys away from him and sold the car when was 83. As hard as that conversation was, it would have been worse if I hadn't.

I find this an incredibly hard issue. I don't think everyone who hits a certain age should lose that license. My father and mother in laws are both well into their 80s, but both of them are great drivers. They actually volunteer to drive handicapped and elderly around. And honestly, I don't know that I trust our state governments to make this decision. On what basis should someone lose their license? My dad would have had no trouble with the vision test and probably could have passed the simple road test North Carolina had. But I could not trust him. He'd backed into several things, would go thru lights and seemed to get lost easily. Only the people that know him well knew it.