For the most part, we are all, in this case, a victim.
And like said,- global warming or cooling is not a science but a religion of believers and screamers
A victim of what the earth does. (volcano argument)
Those that want to charge another more money for being supposed guilty of making the earth more warm
for something is a knee-jerk feel reaction and does nothing for either agency.
Here is why-

We the have the wackos' cow fart argument and they forget the N.America used to have over
60 million buffalo out on the range compared to a cow population now which is 77 to 95 million
depending what reference you want to quote, as that pretty much wshes the hands of each other.
So have at it, but remember the last ice age was caused by the LACK of C02 !

Life has been on this planet OVER 450 MILLION years, wrap your head around that.
Yes, 450 Million.
The last ice age started 2.5 million years ago...... and ENDED ..... just 11/2 thousand years ago.

Do you want to change the Co2 ratio now?
yiou will frezze your arse off!

The Greenhouse propaganda is a BS agency and that is all it is.