Quote Originally Posted by Verismo View Post
Good article. It surprises me, F6bster, that anyone who rides a motorcycle and can see into other people's cars and therefore the level of texting/smartphone use would not understand the push for driverless cars. More than half the people on the road are already not driving their cars. At least a computer which pays attention all the time will be taking over the job.

Driverless car technology has years to go, before it is going to be safe for "us" cyclist, pedestrians, animals, big pot holes, etc. These big multi- billion dollar companies are pushing hard, to get the CRAP they offer now, out on the road with us. So now, we have to watch out for cell phone morons, and driverless cars. Read the latest issue in the A.M.A. book. They are also against the CRAP out there. And big companies like Tesla, are in severe financial trouble, their stock has been plummeting, and are begging for their systems to pass the regulators test, before they go bankrupt.