FINALLY, AFTER 28 YEARS Got on Limbaugh - Page 8
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Thread: FINALLY, AFTER 28 YEARS Got on Limbaugh

  1. #71
    Senior Member olegoat345's Avatar
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    Kill the messenger.

  2. #72
    Senior Member Cali261's Avatar
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  3. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by olegoat345 View Post
    Kill the messenger.
    The messengers of all those vile lies about a good man just for political gain should be shot. Still waiting for you to share what type of punishment you would bring on yourself, family, or a loved one with the same "evidence" brought against JUSTICE K. You lefties do have hypocrisy and deflection down to a science. Can't wait to read your in depth commentary when the President replaces Sleeping Beauty on the Supreme Court.

  4. #74
    Senior Member Broken Hand's Avatar
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    Taxfree4, I missed the audio, but read the transcript. You knocked it out of the park. I disagree with starting a third party. Will only divide and conquer ourselves. I follow Larry Schweikart on Twitter. He says with the likes of Jeff Flakey and Bob Corkscrewed retiring, plus the huge Republican advantage in Trump-won states, the Senate will be replacing and adding about 10 MAGA senators this Nov. 6. Then you look at Lindsey “Granite” Graham’s MAGA conversion, it leads me to believe that the most effective way of WINNING is changing the party from within. Something Trump is singlehandedly doing.

    Anyways, I love your posts and your sharp wit. Hope you make it on Rush again, someday.

    Hondas and Kawis and Zukis and Yammys...Oh my!

  5. #75
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    Grahm changed his act very quickly after MCCain "died". They were bff's. I think Grahm got a good deal and took it.
    Straighten up and fly "right" or else.

  6. #76
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broken Hand View Post
    Taxfree4, I missed the audio, but read the transcript. You knocked it out of the park. I disagree with starting a third party. Will only divide and conquer ourselves. I follow Larry Schweikart on Twitter. He says with the likes of Jeff Flakey and Bob Corkscrewed retiring, plus the huge Republican advantage in Trump-won states, the Senate will be replacing and adding about 10 MAGA senators this Nov. 6. Then you look at Lindsey “Granite” Graham’s MAGA conversion, it leads me to believe that the most effective way of WINNING is changing the party from within. Something Trump is singlehandedly doing.

    Anyways, I love your posts and your sharp wit. Hope you make it on Rush again, someday.
    It's really isn't a third party, Conservatives are orphans in the GOP. They treat us like the Dems treat the black vote: we'll tell you when to vote, vote for our guy, give us your $, thanks we'll take it from here. NY has always had a separate Conservative party and that's where I've been my whole life. So Rudy Giuliani was elected with a separate Cons. Party. Conservatives outside of NY have nowhere to go they are stuck in the GOP. Why should a Rand Paul Conservative be prisoner in the party of Jeb, Flake, Ryan and Romney? If a national Cons Party was started the constituents are already there as they show up at every Trump rally, we just need the organization. That giant sucking sound would be people leaving the GOP.

    Notice on the Kavanaugh confirmation there was no question where the Cons were voting only the squishy middle of the road GOPers: Flake, Collins and Murkowski. When Cons control their own party they control the hard and soft $, we can vote for Cons in primaries instead of holding our noses and pulling the lever for Bush, Flake or Ryan. We are in a new era, as I said on Rush the Dems come to fight the GOP want to be statesman. Case in point, during the debates Trump pulled Jeb's pants down and spanked him on front of the world. Jeb just stood there with that stupid smile on his face trying to look like a statesman, that worked out well. Trump proved with Kavanaugh that you NEVER give in and you bring the fight right back at them, the GOP doesn't know how to fight and the Dems are scared shitless because the Anita Hill strategy backfired and now they don't know what to do.

    You cannot change the party from within because too many of the old guard control the $. The change has to be rapid before the next election. The GOP will have to come to us with open hand. Do you think Rand Paul would have stopped the original vote? GrASSley did because he is a feckless, impotent, incompetent old man who wants to get along. They milked this for political advantage meanwhile this good man was left out to dry.
    Last edited by taxfree4; 10-08-2018 at 12:01 AM.
    Equitare solum equitare amplius

  7. #77
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  8. #78
    Senior Member olegoat345's Avatar
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    You guys are filled with so much hate, discontent, rage & there's always some sort conspiracy to under mine what ever you believe in at that time.
    I don't understand, you've got the house, the senate, supreme court & POTUS & you're still pissed all the time. You're never happy, what will it take? You sound like poor winners. Hell I'd be dancing in the street.
    Would you or one of the men or women, in your family, have the guts to do what Dr. Ford did? Dr. Ford had everything to lose, nothing to gain, but verbal & written abuse. The senate committee all "said" they believe something had happened to her. None of them called her a liar. You folks think she's a liar. Could it be which was the better liar? Could it be the senate just wanted to please Trump? At this point, it doesn't matter. he's in. So be it.
    Can you imagine how much guts it took for those mature men to out the priest that abused them? Something that happened when they were kids. Could all of them be lying too, I mean, it has been decades....Imagine carrying that penned up for decades.
    I know men & women that were abused when they were kids, young & old but never told anyone for decades. One of my best buddies told me things a priest did to him we were 7-10 yo. I'm sure many take the abuse to their grave w/o telling a soul.
    So go a head with your grade school name calling & trash talk. That's what you alt. right folks love to do. Don't state any "real" facts, just make it up as you go & have your rant, rage & grade school name calling...………….you really enjoy, it don't you?

  9. #79
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olegoat345 View Post
    You guys are filled with so much hate, discontent, rage & there's always some sort conspiracy to under mine what ever you believe in at that time.
    I don't understand, you've got the house, the senate, supreme court & POTUS & you're still pissed all the time. You're never happy, what will it take? You sound like poor winners. Hell I'd be dancing in the street.
    Would you or one of the men or women, in your family, have the guts to do what Dr. Ford did? Dr. Ford had everything to lose, nothing to gain, but verbal & written abuse. The senate committee all "said" they believe something had happened to her. None of them called her a liar. You folks think she's a liar. Could it be which was the better liar? Could it be the senate just wanted to please Trump? At this point, it doesn't matter. he's in. So be it.
    Can you imagine how much guts it took for those mature men to out the priest that abused them? Something that happened when they were kids. Could all of them be lying too, I mean, it has been decades....Imagine carrying that penned up for decades.
    I know men & women that were abused when they were kids, young & old but never told anyone for decades. One of my best buddies told me things a priest did to him we were 7-10 yo. I'm sure many take the abuse to their grave w/o telling a soul.
    So go a head with your grade school name calling & trash talk. That's what you alt. right folks love to do. Don't state any "real" facts, just make it up as you go & have your rant, rage & grade school name calling...………….you really enjoy, it don't you?
    Just the opposite, no one knew who this lying hosebag was the day before and now she's a household name AND on the cover of TIME already. Because every victim spends days, before they are scheduled to testify before Congress, scrubbing their social media accounts eliminating their high school yearbook where it depicts you as, you're ready, a drunk who usually "passes out." Also everyone who DOESN'T want to testify always takes a polygraph before. And the yearbook also mentions about during Beach Week picking up adult men who "passed out in our hotel room". You need a Gastroneurologist to help you get your head out of your ass. Soon as Ruth Bader Ginsburg slips on the other banana peel we'll put Amy Coney Barrett in, overturn Roe v Wade, make owning a gun mandatory, arrest Hillary AND jail her, defund Planned Parenthood, strike down homosexual marriage then I'll be happy. One more thing, like I said on Twitter, have Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh administer the Oath of Office to President-elect Trump in January 2021 and leave the door to the roof of the Capitol open so Democrats can throw themselves the fuck off it after seeing that. THEN I'll be happy.
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    Last edited by taxfree4; 10-08-2018 at 12:03 AM.
    Equitare solum equitare amplius

  10. #80
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    Seems to me that Dr Ford has a lot to gain. Hero status among the left, TV appearances, book deals, speaking engagements; and don"t forget that big fat Gofundme account. All for something thateven if it really happened wasn't a reflection on her.

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