just to be clear, I vote both sides, right & left, I try to be opened minded, I try to get past the B/S & get the real, truthful, honest injun, facts, just the facts.
I'll vote for who I feel will best help America first & then my state, then county...…If I screw up, make a mistake, I'll own up to it. learn from it.
It's sad we have become so divided. There's plenty of blame on both sides for this huge division. I feel, there's also blame on Russia. The 1.7 million Russian ads / post as of (2years ago) Nov 2016 had a lasting effect on millions of people. Millions of people still think, whatever's online, TV, radio, newspaper or said by some, talking head or elected official, has to be true. All mentioned have a different spin on the facts...Having said that, WHO is telling the truth?? I don't have a answer for how to fix the division or finding the truthful, honest injun', facts, just the facts...… they exist anymore?
