I agree that it's been a tad slow recently, and I agree that it is related in some ways to the product lifecycle of our bikes. Only produced for a few years, and now a new model with nearly all new parts.

That said, though, our forum here has always been a bit quieter than some others I visit related to other toys I have/had. Back when I had my Road Glide, the Harley touring forums were full of all sorts of "how do I fix X?" or "help me troubleshoot Y" discussions. Same goes for my my other bike that shares the garage with my F6b (a BMW R bike), my 1 ton diesel truck, or my 12 year old twin turbo BMW car. No shortage of "DIY Repair of" threads for various common problems or ways to resolve issues. In some ways, the amount of traffic here is affected by the very, very high level of reliability in our bikes. There's just not as much to fuss and stress over. Of course, that means we have more time to actually ride.

Just my 2 cents. Happy New Years to all.