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Thread: New definition of...Beating a Dead Horse

  1. #11
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    That was a MAJOR spanking Congrats to the SeaHawks !

    For me it was a terrible game, I would have preferred a nail-biter until the last 30 seconds.

    Oh and I personally didn't care for the Coca-Cola commercial, this is the United States of America where English is our official language. I have no issues with immigrants seeking a better life legally in our country, but please learn ENGLISH, respect our laws, lifestyle, heritage, traditions and appreciate the sacrifices made by many fallen men to preserve what has made us the greatest country in the world. What was Coca-Cola thinking ? This was not the United Nations Superbowl nor the Olympics

    rant over

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  2. #12
    Senior Member BuzzzPhotos's Avatar
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    Super Bowl

    Quote Originally Posted by Miles View Post
    According to the OED, they have very recently changed the definition of the phrase...Beating a Dead Horse.

    They now define that phrase...Beating a Dead Horse to mean:

    "A beating of the Denver Broncos professional football team by the Seattle Seahawks professional football team, by a score of more than 30+ points, in a game titled as the SuperBowl, to such a degree that the national media has dubbed this a blowout by one team over the other. When the Denver Broncos, a team representing the AFC as the best that this league has to offer, is beaten so badly by the opposing force...i.e., the Seattle Seahawks, a team representing the best that the NFC has to offer, this constitutes a change in the definition of the phrase, and shall henceforth be used as an example of the phrase...Beating a Dead Horse. "

    BTW, just for edification, the OED offered this little tidbit of a scenario of a group of Seahawks eating away at a downed Bronco

    For those that don't believe in watching a SuperBowl that you do not have a horse in that race (pun intended), the final score was....

    Seattle Seahawks 43......and the Denver Broncos 8

    I'd have lost a lot of money on Denver if someone would have taken the bet. Beating was so bad I started feeling sad for Denver. Denver & Cowboys was the best game of the season (my opinion).

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Another perspective

    I thought it was a great ad. I like that the many cultures that make up this wonderful country celebrate it. Most of our heritage, traditions and culture are rooted in other cultures that came here. I believe that's one of the things that makes us the greatest country on Earth.

    Not to nitpick, but the United States actually has no official language.

    I am in total agreement that the SB was a complete blowout. I still found it fascinating. Seattle's defense did a masterful job of completely disrupting the Bronco offense. I can only hope that the Cowboys hire whoever did the game tape analysis for them.

    I have a feeling that the Seahawks could be a force to be reckoned with for some time. Congrats to the team and their fans.

  4. #14
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by av8rdave View Post
    I like that the many cultures that make up this wonderful country celebrate it. Most of our heritage, traditions and culture are rooted in other cultures that came here. I believe that's one of the things that makes us the greatest country on Earth.
    So do I and I agree with your statement, my parents waited almost 5 years to receive permission, they came to this great land long ago legally, learned English, accepted and embraced this country as is, never did they impose their beliefs or customs down anyone else's throat. Coca-Cola just did and that was just wrong.

    By the way, I own a Business where I conduct International Business and I also speak 4 languages. There are proper places for everything, the Super Bowl is an American tradition, I didn't here the referees explain their calls in multiple languages.

    One of my business partners happens to be a retired Coca-Cola Vice President and he agrees with my stance. We can agree to disagree, but I love this country toooo much to see it go down the drain like it has been.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  5. #15
    Now you know why Indy fired Manning

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