Put in 1100 miles in the last 2 days and had some excellent opportunity's to high-speed 'tune' WITH the wind wings on.

It's a bit different combining the wings and the Madstad, and tuning one has an effect on the other,,,

Currently running parallel w/base,,, not quite 100% 'back' on rake. Also running the 'middle' set of holes between upper and lower brackets. (This brings the shield closer to base vs the 'top' set of holes that most brackets are sent out with from the manufacturer.)

The wings:

First,,, 'full closed' on the wings moves the air off your hands and out away from Rider. Biggest issue is a bit of pressure on your back/shoulders as the wind is trying to rush in the pocket of low pressure between you and the shield. This same low pressure zone is 'pulling down/disrupting' the stream of air coming up the backside of the shield,,,

That stream is the same one that push's the oncoming air up over your head,,, (Kinda like a 'flip' shield but without all the 'stirring' of the wind)

So,,, Running w/ the wing's 'straight forward/neutral' reduces the width/strength of the 'bubble' and reduces that pressure on your back,,,,

And,,,,, Running w/the wing's positioned so they pull air into the riders area eliminates that pressure on your back and helps to further reduce the pressure differentiation between 'normal' and the area behind the shield,,, With less pressure differentiation, the stream coming up behind the shield isn't 'disrupted/dissipated' as much and tends to stay smoother/stronger in 'pushing' the oncoming air upwards,,,

At high speeds (80ish) I would run mostly 'neutral' or a hair 'open' on the wings and slide the shield higher in the slots. (Should be 'acceptable' in hot weather as there is still some good air circulating at 80 mph,,, You really don't want to be 'blow-torched' with hot air,, just get a good breeze,,) At 50-60, I ran the wings 'full open' (air towards rider) and slide the shield down in the slots to get as much air over the helmet vents as you can handle

Worst problem is ya get spoiled with how quiet it is with the shield up and sliding it down to get yer noggin in some real airflow reminds you of how noisy your helmet is!

As always, each individual's experience will vary, but combining wings with Madstad has it's own set of variables that can compliment each other.

Don't be afraid to experiment with settings you 'think' won't work!!!!!!!!!!