Quote Originally Posted by MNF6B View Post
I have had several bikes in my day and never had one that would stop people in their tracks. When I picked up the F6B the dealer warned me that I could generate a lot of interest and comments from total strangers. I chuckled as I put the visor down on my helmet and rode off.

3 Months later.....

I love my bike and love to ride it. I can see this bike and I together for a very long time. I have had the following:

People wanting to talk while I am at a stoplight.
People stopping me as I pull off in a parking lot.
Tons of gas station conversations.
Lot's of discussions on runs and rides.
Can I sit on it?......No!

I kinda wish I would have bought a Harley and no one would give a sh^t.

You mean you haven't had the "is that a Harley" comment yet?

You can have an awful lot of fun answering that question!!!!
