Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
I find this post a little OTT, especially when this forum has people of other nations than America and possibly other relations than Christianity and that it was made by a mod saddens me. We are on this forum because we all share a common pleasure. Politics and religious bigotry have no place here IMHO.
Like SP said, perhaps 'Islamic Extremists' might have been a better choice of words than Muslim.

Unfortunately, both 'muslim' and 'terrorists' have been used in the same sentence so many times by the news media that folks seem to associate one with the other. We all need to be vigilant in our own understanding that Muslim does not automatically mean Extremist nor does it mean terrorist. No more than 'Texan' or 'Baptist' means extremist/terrorist.

Politics is 'fair game' here as long as it's in the 'Off topic' thread, which is where this post is located.

I try to avoid the 'off topic' area, but Steve's been on a rampage here lately and I keep getting snookered into it!!!
