Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
Never been a HD fan, never really understood why they were so expensive. They always seemed to me to be underpowered, underdeveloped, unreliable and uncomfortable.
Well I have never understood the concept of being a Harley only advocate...anymore than I understand being a one beer brand kind of person....variety is the spice of life and all that.

I would even agree with some of the above comments relating to the cost etc. I mean HD was/is as much about branding and marketing as it was/is about bikes. They sold a lifestyle and anyone that wants to by into it....who am I to criticize.

However after running an 88 evo powered heritage for a number of years (back and forth and around the continent) I can say that the bikes when not tinkered with (too much) are as solid as tractors....and about as comfortablewith paint and chrome...at least from that era that goes on for ever. Tough machines until people start tinkering with things better off left alone. I think the biggest downfall to the HD brand is people that don't have the know how messing with perfectly working machines till they don't work and then blaming it on the brand. I have seen quite a bit of that...and I am not one to defend HD or any other make.
