When I was looking for a bike, I thought the Fat Boy was the bike I would get. Then I found the Kawasaki Nomad. So much more bike for $8,000 less. A coworker of mine said I would have more friends if I bought a Harley. Excuse me but screw that. I do not need to buy friends. I do not need a motorcycle to go with my T Shirt Collection. I bought a Honda because they are well made, dependable and more bang for the bike. To find a Harley that was "Equal" to the F6B, the rag magazines get a $35,000 bike to the $18,000 Honda F6B. Really! I have no need for a Harley. I do a little bashing in fun. A Harley is for men with Erectile Dysfunction and women that cannot get an satisfaction on a washing machine with an unbalanced load. I love my Honda. Wave at me when you pass with the whole hand or one finger, Harley riders. I'm happy with what I have.