Well I am and always have been for the underdog..... seems to me if you are Christian then you are for , if you are for anyone else then that would put you into the group of folks that don't believe and or are muslim....

This area is sacred to Christians and we/they believe it should survive at any cost! And the other non-believers believe if this sacred land is bombed away, changing the rest to the world to either non believers or muslim would be almost a given.

People have no stomach for what is being done. I blame the deaths of the innocents on the people who place them in the way...this gives the simple minded news reporters a podium on which to stand saying Israel is bad.. I guess for me when someone openly states which side they chose then I know which Bible they read....sadly these folks have been fighting for 1000's of years and a 1000 years from now they will be still fighting,,,,main difference will be the US will be broke sitting on the side lines hoping that we can save our country as it is now being taken over by the above and only a matter of time before we have the same fighting in the streets to keep certain towns Christian and the others muslim.....