I hate politics but after reading this thread I felt compelled to respond.

I agree that terrorism should not be tolerated. The only problem is, who are the terrorist here? It depends on your point of view and whose side are you on. There is no real 'good guys' vs. 'bad guys' here, as much as we'd like to believe there is.

I want to point out I am not a Jewish or Muslim (I am Christian). I simply looked at the evidence and history and I refuse to be brainwashed by the media. Of course I may be wrong and biased but the truth isn't, as long as we are willing to accept the facts.

The following link is a well presented summary of a fairly recent history of the region. There are a lot of historical events presented in some detail, but the history of the region is very rich:


The following video is longer but very interesting. This is an Israeli man, a son of a famous Israeli general, doing a presentation in Seattle in 2012 regarding the Israeli Palestinian struggle. He wrote a book about it:


Interestingly enough, you will see in the above video who he believes to be acting as terrorist.

Here is another video of a seminar on Israeli Palestinian conflict by an American scholar as presented at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland Ohio:


I would like to point this: Palestinians are not just some other 'terrorist nation' and Israel is not an innocent 'victim' in this whole mess and vice versa. If you are very shallow in your investigation of the conflict and mostly get your 'news' from CNN and other major media without doing your own deeper research, than you will have a very narrow understanding of the problem.

I think it's unjust to think of Palestinians in the same category as Al Caeda et al. This is a completely different issue than Iraq and Afghanistan.

Dennis Prager video posted earlier in this thread is overly simplified view of the conflict by simply ignoring many facts in order to make an extremely one sided argument. In fact posting of that video made me respond.

Personally I condemn terrorist actions on both sides and killing innocent people on both sides should be condemned and stopped. I believe Jews and Palestinians can both coexist peacefully as long as their political leaders stop misleading their own people.

Now let's stop all this foolishness and go ride bikes!