Quote Originally Posted by luckyluciano View Post
Not trying to hijack but I have to ask. I'm from Canada and with all due respect to our American friends, I do not own a weapon and never ever thought of it. Yes, I grew up with a dad from the military with a gun and I have shot and killed more animals with it than most hunters ever will. Yes we have crime but odds are so low I've never considered defending myself by shooting someone. It would end me up in the slammer and I don't want to be raped. Not a good alternative. Lol .

Are things that bad down there that you have such a need?
(Ya, I 've heard the constitution stance but I still don't get the obsession)

Not afraid of being flamed here because I know you won't try and shoot me ! It will end you up in jail where you will get raped instead of me. Lol!

Besides , Too many other things to worry about when riding. Wouldn't want to worry about a gun going off as well.

Ummmm....Lets see here...The folks up north believe or profess that our country is a lawless place. I have never been inclined to look up crime stats for your country...can only guess they are not much better as people are people world wide. The people in the US are in love with their guns because it is a "right" here. Many will tell you it is to protect you from the government. The problem I have with C.C. permits is the same I have with weekend classes that give you a MC license! Passing neither class makes you proficient doing either one.... I see it all the time..." I got my license, lets go to NC and ride in the mountains, I hear it is beautiful... They come back in a bag or hurt a lot of the times...Same w/ C.C. you pass a 12 hour course, go out a buy a pocket cannon and you are on the prowl !!! Both of these types scare me, either one can and will get you killed!!!. I feel the same about both as well as training...there needs to be more! The MC guy is easy, you just pass him and hope Jesus is watching...the C.C. guy a little different.... I have never been in a situation where one of these guys used their weapon but have read of a few...Zimmerman and the old fool at the movie theater come to mind. Z was/is just an idiot, IMHO...doing something he should/should not have been doing got in over his head and someone is dead. I do believe he was justified in killing the kid,,,,,, but..... if you could ask Z if he had it to do over would he have turned the other way and got coffee? The retired PO at the movie is another story... verdict is still out on that one....
For me, prior to my 4X bypass considered myself a weapon. Not to brag, but there has been a lot of $$$ spent teaching me to hurt people and if necessary kill them. Having said that the optimum word here is trained! No 8 hour class, but years of experience doing it!!! Now after the 4X bypass, my fighting days may be over, may be time to buy a gun, shoot first and ask questions later???? For me, the average guy caring a gun scares me. I don't know of their training or ability, when it gets real bad are they going to help the situation or make it worse? All food for thought, is it your right? Absolutely!! Should you be caring one...hope you never find out.