
I have never had my Goldwing beyond 125mph but felt that I could have gone a little more, however I have had a Honda Rune on a DYNO reach 142mph indicated on its digital speedometer. The Rune started bucking at 134mph but I did NOT release the throttle and continued accelerating …. with only 5 cylinders running I reached 142mph where it stopped climbing and then quickly grabbed the clutch, let go of the throttle and allowed the Dyno wheel to slow her down. No road resistance, no wind resistance and no weight resistance allowed for the higher speed. I have a photo of the Speedo reading 140mph on the Honda Rune with the same engine as the F6B. One significant difference between the 2 bikes is that the F6B (and the GL1800's) have 2 throttle bodies that each feed 3 cylinders, the Rune has 6 throttle bodies, 1 per cylinder. The Runes run more on the rich side when it comes to fuel consumption. The Runes reach 130mph effortlessly.

I am still curious about the ECM. Would like to know if Honda modified it for the F6B and in return had to give up some of the top speed. Keep us posted