Its not the hours, its not the effort, it is the RESULTS ! - Page 4
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Thread: Its not the hours, its not the effort, it is the RESULTS !

  1. #31
    Senior Member hiflyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scotrod View Post

    Where is old Ted nowadays??? :
    Oh he's alive ok, as a matter of fact, I ran into him at the airport that serves general aviation here in OKC. I recognized him as he was waiting on his ride. Had a 10 minute conversation with him.

  2. #32
    Senior Member jaygollner's Avatar
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    What a crappy thing to say, You can't refute his statements so you attack him personally. I also have worked hard and saved all of my life and have mostly voted for Dems because I can see the difference in their policies. I also know and am friends with many Republicans and have even supported a few, but the right has corned the market on bat shit crazy. Finally WTF with all the politics on this board, I joined to learn more about what my bike is and what it could be not to listed to a bunch of bellyaching.

    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    Kev you are part of the problem. The fact that people that think like you are educating our children scares the hell out of me. Could be why the US has the lowest test scores of any empowered nation. The problem starts in the public school system and flows uphill. There are some good teachers and I would hope you are one of them. My mom was a teacher . I was married to a teacher for 24 years and my stepmom is a teacher. I know a little about teachers. Not trying to cut you down and nothing personal. Just my opinion.

  3. #33
    Senior Member jaygollner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hiflyer View Post
    Oh he's alive ok, as a matter of fact, I ran into him at the airport that serves general aviation here in OKC. I recognized him as he was waiting on his ride. Had a 10 minute conversation with him.
    Did he ever clean the crap out his pants from his draft dodging days, or did he still have the sh*t stink on him?

  4. #34
    Senior Member hiflyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaygollner View Post
    Finally WTF with all the politics on this board, I joined to learn more about what my bike is and what it could be not to listed to a bunch of bellyaching.
    This is the off topic part of the forum, no F6B info here. Don't read it if it bugs ya

  5. #35

    Education where I am is doing quite well.

    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    Kev you are part of the problem. The fact that people that think like you are educating our children scares the hell out of me. Could be why the US has the lowest test scores of any empowered nation. The problem starts in the public school system and flows uphill. There are some good teachers and I would hope you are one of them. My mom was a teacher . I was married to a teacher for 24 years and my stepmom is a teacher. I know a little about teachers. Not trying to cut you down and nothing personal. Just my opinion.
    If the state I taught in was compared to the worlds without the rest of the nation we would be in the top two or three, my students for my subject have consistently scored near the top of my state. I promise if the rest of the nation worked the way we did in MA we wouldn't have all the issues we do. It is more than just the teachers its the value we put on education and supporting all members of our society.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by jaygollner View Post
    What a crappy thing to say, You can't refute his statements so you attack him personally. I also have worked hard and saved all of my life and have mostly voted for Dems because I can see the difference in their policies. I also know and am friends with many Republicans and have even supported a few, but the right has corned the market on bat shit crazy. Finally WTF with all the politics on this board, I joined to learn more about what my bike is and what it could be not to listed to a bunch of bellyaching.
    Thank you. I believe these discussions should be about facts and how different policies affect our nation. I like numbers and analysis, I wish I could have more discussions that actually focused on how different policy decisions actually effect our nation and the world, so often these discussions just turn into name calling. I really wish I could see some facts that explain why there is so much vitriol from the right to the left, I really don't hate their beliefs the way they appear to hate mine, I just don't think they are the right move for our country.

  7. #37
    Senior Member jaygollner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hiflyer View Post
    This is the off topic part of the forum, no F6B info here. Don't read it if it bugs ya
    Well I am still curious as to if nugent ever wiped his a** since his draft dodging days?

  8. #38
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    This is the "OFF-TOPIC" section

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion HOWEVER I ask that everyone please be civil and not lower yourselves to a second grade disagreement. Just agree to disagree and ignore the posts that you don't care for.

    No need to let your blood pressure rise.

    I love my country and the freedoms that I have...... Discussing Politics is part of everyday life and stirring the pot once in a while isn't going to kill anyone.

    POLITICS does play a role in the motorcycle community ... here is some history ...

    I believe it was Jimmy Carter that enacted the first federal emissions requirements for on-highway motorcycles, with compliance required for the 1980 model year. . I remember the 1979 Honda CBX being a more powerful bike then the 1980,1981 and 1982 CBX's

    In the early eighties, Harley Davidson claimed that Japanese manufacturers were importing motorcycles into the US in such volume as to harm or threaten to harm domestic producers. After an investigation by the US International Trade Commission, President Reagan imposed in 1983 a 45% tariff on imported bikes and bikes over 700 cc engine capacity. Harley Davidson subsequently rejected offers of assistance from Japanese motorcycle makers. In 1983, many of the Japanese and other foreign manufactures dropped engine sizes from 750cc to 700cc in what has become known as the "Harley tariff". US President Ronald Reagan imposed a 45 percent tariff over a five-year period on the import of Japanese motorcycles, improving Harley-Davidson's ability to compete against high-quality foreign manufacturers as the last U.S. motorcycle manufacturer.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  9. #39
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    Yes yes yes. One party is the root of all evil and the other will save the world. Gawd I must be a genius to believe that.

    They say 7 of the 10 richest counties in the country are now in the DC metro area. Not sure what metric they used but I'm sure it's true by some measure, and guess what, fools, we're all footing the bill.

    We freely send $40,000,000,000.00 (40 BILLION dollars) overseas every year... so thank you all for working so hard.

    Your precious representatives enter Congress with "normal" net worth but leave as multi-millionaires...but of course they accomplished this by sacrificing and fighting for you and your causes. Of course they did.

    Any party or representative that believes they're ENTITLED to take more from me in taxes to mis-spend and mis-appropriate... well, you know.

  10. #40
    Hey don't start it if you don't want to hear it. My opinion is just as good as yours. I said it respectfully. I believe it , I mean it , and I had the balls to say it. Go to a school board meeting. I do I'm involved. A lot of educators and administrators are flaky. Not all , but a lot. Hang around a group of them for 24 years and you will see what I mean. Didn't say it necessarily applied to anyone on here. And Jay you want to censor everyone and just hear your own drivel. Not my first rodeo with you. Typical liberal. You want to force your beliefs on everyone. If you think it's good then that should be the law. No one else is allowed to have an opinion. Like I said Mine is as good as yours , maybe better.

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