Yesterday, my brother-in-law and I were sitting in a roadhouse out in the boonies having a beer mid-ride. In comes 2 middle aged ladies dressed in full riding gear; leathers, chaps, boots, gloves, etc. We were the only two in the bar, so they came over and one said "who owns that black F6B out front?". I said I was the guilty party. One of the ladies went on about how it was her dream bike and she wanted one in the worst way. They had driven by, not intending to stop, but when she saw my 'B she did an abrupt U-turn and came into the bar. I told her it was ironic that not a half hour earlier when we arrived at the roadhouse and dismounted, I said to my B-I-L "I love my bike". We had just crossed a long elevated river bridge, me doing 150 kph, leaving him and his 600 Shadow way back. I just had to open 'er up. She asked if we could go out and she could sit on it. I said sure. They were both driving Yamaha Silverado 650's loaded with windscreens, bags, racks, highway pegs, etc, etc. We talked about her buying a leftover '13 or '14, how Honda loans were cheap, which dealer might have one, etc. She is a little short for a 'B, but she said she had an upholsterer who could lower the front of the seat to get her the necessary leg length. She is going out today to try and buy the only black '13 left in the province. It also turns out she is a member of this forum. We had never met, but we had exchanged ideas here. Talk about a small world.