Chipmaker, ah the ole K1600GT.... ridden it. It is a little quicker than my RT, a lot heavier, and not as sporty in road feel. Add a different saddle and trunk and you have the K1600GTL. Now the dirty secret, your F6B is the better bike IMO. Maintenance requirements on the Beemers gets VERY expensive and time consuming. The bike in the pic "feels" a lot quicker, tosses around a little more nimble in the twisties than the F6, but if you check specs and closely compare the two, the K bike is just a taller saddle with a little more ground clearance. Your F6 will go anywhere it will and just as fast. Your F6 will do it without an annual dealer tax of $600 for required maintenance. Oh and the K1600 eats tires, 4500 to 6k per set