There are people who use a religion as a vehicle to carry out horrific acts against their fellow man. They are not Muslims in spirit, only in their warped minds. 1.7 billion with a "b" Muslims and maybe .001 percent are radicalized to the point of committing these horrific crimes, maybe. These animals rape, starve, torture and murder their own kind under the guise of purification in the twisted way they interpret the scriptures.The other 1,698,300,0000 go about their lives like the rest of us. Let's not hold a whole religion responsible for a microscopic few. France decided to allow Muslim communities to police themselves and would not even go in there so it was a prescription for disaster. The extremists infiltrated and had a field day, unabated, and this was the result. This was a political correctness decision that ALWAYS backfires. As far as the Crusades, the reason for Pope Urban II to call the first crusade, and take back the Holy Land, was because the few radical Muslims who occupied it would not allow Christians to visit the Holy sites and to free them from Muslim rule.