Here's what I just posted in your same question in another thread.

"Making only $295 gross on a bike would not keep a dealer in business for long.
If Honda motorcycle sales are similar to automobile sales, the dealer has about a 3%-4% holdback (also called floor plan) that is there to help the dealer finance the bike on the sales floor until it is sold.
So if dealer cost is $18500, there is another $740 to the Dealer from Honda. In reality, the dealer's gross profit would be $295 + $740 for just over $1000 gross profit. Is that fair for both parties?
I think so, especially for a bike that isn't in stock and hasn't sat on the sales floor for months eating into the floor plan.

BTW, is it Dillon Bros who wouldn't discount?
If so, that's strange, as their online parts discounts are among the best in the US.
I have bought lots of parts and accessories from Dillon over the years."