Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
It took me 3 times, 2 divorces, 2 set of lawyers I should have gotten the Purple Heart. She doesn't have a sister but I'll look into a cousin for you.

Les : "I hear you got married again, Mike." :
Mike:"Yes, for the fourth time."
Les : "What happened to your first three wives?"
Mike: "They all died."
Les : "I'm sorry, I didn't know. That's terrible How did they die?"
Mike: "The first ate poisonous mushrooms."
Les : "How awful! What about the second?"
Mike: "She ate poisonous mushrooms."
Les : "Oh no. What about the third? Did she die from poisonous mushrooms too?"
Mike: "No, she died of a broken neck."
Les : "I see, an accident ? "
Mike: "Not exactly - she refused to eat her mushrooms