Quote Originally Posted by hoglaw View Post
I own a bunch and always carry unless I'm going somewhere that's prohibitive.

I was a cop in one of the worst cities in the USA. After law school I was a prosecutor for awhile. I've dealt with the scum of our society for much of my adult life.

I spent 11 years on active duty and 17 in the US Army Reserves, so I've been well trained.

There are those in our society who are beyond salvage. They prey on the weak, elderly, and innocent. I don't intend to be one of their victims. Those who responded from other countries don't face the same problems we have. Sure, they have their share of bad guys, but we have entire generations of thieves, muggers, mental cases, and those with a sense that they'll take whatever they want from any likely victim.

If you're not trained and not of the right mind set you shouldn't carry. Some are wolves, some are sheep, some are sheep dogs. That's just the way things are.
