Quote Originally Posted by hoglaw View Post
"American Exceptionalism" has existed since 1776, and saved Europe's ass at least three times (WWI, WWII, and the Cold War).

If you believe the opportunity for education doesn't exist in this country you're wrong, or at least misinformed.

"Fairness"? Everyone is given an equal opportunity. Yeah, some have a head start, but the possibility exists...but you have to work for it. Whenever I hear the word "fair" I think of that response that "fair" is a place you go to eat cotton candy, go on rides and step in monkey poop. No one was ever promised life would be fair. Everyone in America is promised an opportunity, but it's up to you to get off your lazy butt and take advantage of what's out there.

Most of America's problems today can be squarely traced to LBJ's "Great Society". People are paid not to work, or even look for work. Most of America's poor live a life that would be considered luxury elsewhere in the world.

Most small countries of the world are comprised of a homogenius (sp?) society. The great melting pot is made up of people from all over the world, and while this makes us unique, it does create some problems.

There are those in our government who want us to be more European-like. Then there are those of us who are individuals and are happy to have it stay that way.

Don't get me started on the demographics of our incarcerated population...Phantom will ban me.

This is not about "believes" , but the facts and reality . And that's the reason , why you must sleep with the gun attached to your ideas . If you are afraid of comparisons ( and Phantom's reaction ), send me PM and I'll be glad to provide supplements to your limited vision and subconscious .