Quote Originally Posted by Limoles View Post
Everybody have some stories , but Terry's is as unique , as the country , where he lives . I'm also sure , that in past he played real football , which in Yankee land is known as a soccer ( what a stupid name ) .
Aussies are good in this game .
Hate sport
Think people only play sport so people will talk to em
A country of 22 million eh????
The Best Rugby Union Team in the world
Best female Cyclist in the world
Best swimmers in the world
Some of the best tennis players in the world . A few have won Wimbledon
Best in the world at ?????????????????????? Yeah and Bullshitting
Just have a look at the Gold won by the convicts in both the Olympics and Commonwealth games??
But I hate Sport, don't watch it, don't play it, Don't talk about it can't stand it?????
Ahhhhh but if stripping and Pole dancing was a sport I may change my mind