Quote Originally Posted by Limoles View Post
One's I was having discussion about our government and on the very end of it , one guy asked the rest of us : "Who are those pricks in Washington and why they are destroying America" ? Then the other broke the silence , saying : "WE , yes we - we are responsible for giving them that power , because WE ELECTED THEM and now you can f&%$ yourself" . So , who is to blame ? Technically , this is our fault , when chosen leader happened to be ineffective , or simply wrong . This is leading me to ask everybody : Why do you selecting ( if so ) your candidate and what is convincing you to trust him ( her ) ?

In truly democratic system , elected people should be accountable for everything , but strategically played ping-pong game between Republicans and Democrats established already irreversible damages to our well being and in fact , for their only and their "friends" benefits . After all , majority of our society are left unhappy . Why is that and why is so ? The answer is not so simple , but since those two parties have monopole and liaison connections ( backed by huge donations from big corporations ), they do what they want , without showing any signs of care . Sims to me , we are swallowed into the one big , messy hole with no exit whatsoever .

So - coming back to our discussion based on my observations - crime is caused by : poverty , luck of properly functional family , lousy education , injustice and devastating influences of Hollywood . Think for second - What would you do , if you were born in ghetto , raised by single parent , struggling with no money , watching violent programs in TV ( which destroys remaining traces of intellectuality ) , being surrounded by friends with the same descriptions ? Having no skills , what kind of work could give you chances to buy home , car , or few weeks of vacation ?

And this is a core of my reflections brought to attention on the very beginning of our debate . Here is the root of crime , where naturally driven to it individuals having no , or little choices . For them to blend into the society and be productive is absolutelly impossible !!!

And now , why it is so connected to our government ? Well - They are responsible for many wrong doings , like outsourcing jobs to the foreign countries , they almost eliminated domestic production , lowered the bar of education , eventually creating perfect environment to nurture crime and force us to accept it . Very few avenues are left on the way to improve this situation .

Then what ? We established counter forces to fight with that crime and introduced separate segment of the motivated people , who are involved with it . Vicious circle . We and our elected officials created this situation and ironically , trying now to eliminate it . Where are the winners and what's the sense of all of it ?

There is only way to reverse this situation - we need more responsible LEADERS , who will serve us , not themselves .