Les - either UBL (Usama Bin Laden) or the head of ISIS (whoever holds that post this week) or Iran's caliphate, or Iraq's leader or anyone else being invited to dinner does NOT equate to a foreign policy.
You have obviously no clue as to what is involved in foreign policy. Especially when it comes to treaties of alliance & protection we have with other countries. And yes, I too believe that gas should be $10 a gallon - like the rest of the world.

And when I - not shooter (let's get the rest of the names correct) - asked you to elaborate on your "foreign policy," you went off on tangents as a response so I am forced to surmise that you either have no legitimate response or this is a game to you. Rest assured that it is no game to me and forces me to conclude that you are in way over your head. This would be a good example of not knowing when to "keep silence and let others believe you the fool, than to open your mouth and leave no doubt."

Bottom line: I gave you a blank canvas to paint in whatever rainbow colors the mechanics of your global kumbaya hypotheses and you think a dinner party will resolve the issues.
Not even a legitimate attempt at a solution. FAIL.

It is obvious English is not your first language.
It is obvious from your views that you are from a country in Europe.
I reckon your family suffered in WWII and you have the US military or Russian military (I'm guessing the latter since you have such a chip on your shoulder towards the US military) to thank to end the Nazi suffering - and they did it without the UN's blessing.