"Let me be the first to commend you on your choice for background for your avatar photo, Semper Fie."

Thanks Retired Army.
I can not respond to your saying "Semper Fi."
I have not earned that right.
That would be disrespectful to those who have served and earned that right.
I was not in any branch of service.
The Marine Corps flag is up because of my brother who is a Colonel in the Marine Corps.
I am proud of his accomplishments.
The American flag is up because I am grateful for being born and raised in this country.
I love this country.
I believe in what the American flag stands for.
Just because the Marine Corps flag is the only flag up in my garage does not mean that I favor that branch of service any more than the others.
I have total respect for EVERY Soldier, past, present and future for their sacrifices to ensure that people like me can live free.
GOD bless every one of them.
Sorry for the off topic lengthy response,but I felt I needed to explain why I did not instantly respond to you.