Only you should know , how suddenly ANGER turned into the HUNGER ???

It's fine . No comments , but for relaxing purpose , I have joke for you ( which is GOOD ) :

"How some one will find , that ended in gay party ?
- When all HOT DOGS taste like shyt ."

So I left in hurry , not even trying to smell it . I'm sure you got it .

And now . Since I triggered sensitive subject , found to be repressed , or even rejected with only few logical responses ( which I value anyway ). Fortunately and for my well being , I was raised in different moral codes, so my psychological landscape has definitely been impacted by different culture , leaving me to the frequent battle with Ethics of Egsistence . It is hard for me distinguish biological impulses among fellow humans , which in fact are similar to those in animals behavior , but constant adjustments are painting distinction between emotions and real life .

So here , we have established patterns of criminal networks with a history of well-armed violence on one site and brutality endangering those , who are on the other one . Surely , all Americans should be concerned about the role of it , which is providing disintegration of the nation's communities and relying on methods fighting the scourge of ever growing crime. All of it should concern everybody , who loves this Country . Right ? We vote , we work , we do right things , we raise families , we trying to build "something" to be happy , but the social issues are still resulting opposite to our desires outcomes , forming already High Fences among us . Is it , what we want , or need to adopt ?

Since the English language is my secondary , I had trouble to find proper translation of the word THUG(S) , which was used here so often during our discussions and supported by many examples . Eventually in disgust , I can show you something , which will create very mixed feelings , as I found as a very BAD news . Since this is showing legally accepted way of the human treatment's process , I'm asking you to think for a while about it and tell me , WHERE ARE WE GOING ?


This video was produced by Right Wingers , so do not accuse me for some political affiliations !
