Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
Well BB there are many trained and renowned doctors that do consider him ill....and the worst thing to do is allow someone to transgender. The suicide rate for post transgenders is huge and increasing causing many thinking professionals to second guess the allowing of these ill people to perform something that is non reversible. If someone in my family wanted to do this I would tell them they are ill and we would get the help they need. Not knuckle under and just say cutting your nutsak off and drilling a hole will solve it. Growing boobs and dressing like a woman does not make you a woman. The chromosomes don't change. You only become the ultimate cross dresser.

'Claiming that this is civil-rights matter and encouraging surgical intervention is in reality to collaborate with and promote a mental disorder'. Dr Paul McHugh
He is one sick puppy !!
You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.
Not knuckle under and just say cutting your nutsak off and drilling a hole will solve it. Growing boobs and dressing like a woman does not make you a woman. The chromosomes don't change. You only become the ultimate cross dresser.
Stroguy you pretty smart !