Election 2016
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Thread: Election 2016

  1. #1

    Election 2016

    Guys , I don't want to start any fights , so lets keep this as civil as possible. Just asking your opinions of what will happen in the upcoming Presidential election. The "field" will undoubtably change between now and then. Personally I'm a realist and I feel that ifHillary stays in the race , she can't be beat. Its that 52% thing. We need to get all the cosevatives off their azz and get them to the polls. I will vote Republican. I don't call myself one , I'm a conservative. I just can't tolerate the liberal view. Right now I like Trump. I don't think we need another Bush , but if that's my only choice I'll do it. I like Rick Perry also. Trump is smart , and I think he can make the hard choices that will get this country back on track. He seem like a no BS kinda guy. Tell me what you think.

  2. #2
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    Pretty much how I think. Gotta get the lib out of the White House. Hillary has lots of$$$, so it will be a challenge. We have so many Republican candidates, I haven't picked my choice yet. Like you, I identify myself as a Conservative, rather than a Republican. I would vote for Mickey Mouse, before I would vote for Clinton! Speaking of Trump, he does talk tuff. I wonder if he could really do all he says he can. Would be good, if he can. As stated in the original post, please no fights. I'm sure there are a variety of opinions out there.

  3. #3
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    If we get another RINO running, voter turnout will probably be the same as before and Shillary will have it.

  4. #4
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Jeb Bush will be your next president, like it or not, a gift to the old man. I've been a Conservative, separate party in NY, since I was able to vote and the reason Trump came in is to further split the Conservative vote in the Primary, Paul-Cruz-Rubio, to allow this Moderate to slide in to get the nomination for the General. A lot these guys run for many reasons i.e. raise their speaking fees, hoping for a Cabinet position, raise money or increase their exposure for their next election. As far as Hillary, she puts her pants on one leg at a time like any other guy.

  5. #5
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Jeb Bush will be your next president, like it or not, a gift to the old man. I've been a Conservative, separate party in NY, since I was able to vote and the reason Trump came in is to further split the Conservative vote in the Primary, Paul-Cruz-Rubio, to allow this Moderate to slide in to get the nomination for the General. A lot these guys run for many reasons i.e. raise their speaking fees, hoping for a Cabinet position, raise money or increase their exposure for their next election. As far as Hillary, she puts her pants on one leg at a time like any other guy.
    Interesting take on Trump. Any specifics to support it ? Is he in bed with the Bushes ?

  6. #6
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    Can Trump win? I would love to vote for real change not the Obama bullshit. But real change that shakes up the whole political system. Politicians need to start looking out for the good of the people instead of just finding a way to get elected again. The way it is now I don't think we have a good choice Republican or Democrat. I guess if I don't get to vote for Trump then I will have to go with the Republican nominee but I don't hold out much hope for things to get much better. (Kiss the America we love goodbye)

  7. #7
    Steve I haven't given up yet. I think we have 1 or two elections to get our shyt straight. If it don't happen soon then like you said , its too late. Tax I could live with Bush , instead of Hillary. That's how I would feel about it. Not necessarily a vote for Bush as much as a vote against Hillary. You Democrats weigh in also. I want to hear your perspective. We are going to keep this on an even keel. Thanks guys.

  8. #8
    DarkSider#1617 Steve 0080's Avatar
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    If I were to vote tomorrow I would vote for Ben Carson... he knows the health care system and is smart enough to figure out the rest..Oduma knew nothing ....JMOH...... Bush is a wasted vote to me...Hiliary is a lesbian ...... fact... but the ones with indoor plumbing will vote for her out of ignorance....
    way to early to know either way....
    " Truth is often deemed rude, blunt and to the point which is why so few make their friend " Freddy Hayler ..352-267-1553 Sanford, FLA Gutterman6000@Gmail.com

  9. #9
    Moderator BIGLRY's Avatar
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    Being a Moderate I set on the middle of the political fence, but I can tell you I will never vote for a Clinton...never have and never will and I don't see any Liberal Democrat coming along any better at this stage of the game. Hillary is digging her own grave with all the lies, cover-ups and crap that just keeps coming out about what she did or did not do. Name one good accomplishment she did as SOS other than resign ................humm, just as I thought NONE!

    On the other side of the fence the GOP hates Trump and I don't think he can get the RNC ticket cause even with all the money he has and he does have a lot... here in America thank god you still can't buy votes, you can buy everything else, but not votes!
    Ben Carson? Well he does know health care, but is he world savvy in dealing with all that crap that is going on and only going to get worse? He has not told me anything yet that makes me want to believe so.

    R. Paul.... I put him in the same category as Trump, the GOP don't like him and never will due to some of his left field ideas.
    Now as to Cruz & Rubio I feel they both need to make some $ to put up a strong fight as well as convince the public they know how to run things here and abroad to get a stronger base, will the Latino/Cuban vote help...YES is it enough NO!

    Republicans will have to cut the dead meat before we see a true contender for the White House. Oh and Bush, let's just say a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush, he has an up hill fight, but can win. IMO

    So at this early stage of the 2016 presidential elections those are my thoughts, which I'm sure will changes as time goes on and Nov 8th comes and I step into the voting booth to produce a hanging chad for someone in the hope it is the right someone for the USA.

    The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot -
    the guy who invented the second one... he was the genius!


  10. #10
    Senior Member F6B1911's Avatar
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