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Thread: Guns, what sort of response

  1. #11
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    i can be calmed by the fact that today over 100 million legal hand gun owner did not perpetrate a crime. I find that an extremely settling fact and convinces me that we fight a cultural issue. is it any less insane for a 15 year old student to be gunned down as a victim of mistaken identity in South Chicago than 9 parishioners in a church? I think not. Murderous intent is murderous intent.
    2015 F6B Deluxe
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  2. #12
    Two items that will remain with society until the end are racism and guns. I have no answer for eliminating racism, perhaps going back to the gun control laws of the old west might be the answer. The fastest draw is the boss, no second place.

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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
    Must be a boring place if you sit and watch our murders.
    Can't help it.
    Our news reports the same outrageous shit you read and see.

  4. #14
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ths61;84954

    When a police officer shoots and kills someone it is a homicide.

    When Sarah --Kinley shot gunned an intruder trying to harm her baby it is classified a homicide.

    When Joe Thug enters my house and is carried out feet first by the coroner that is a homicide.

    Don't be misled that homicide is murder. A favorite tactic of liberals.
    2015 F6B Deluxe
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  5. #15
    Senior Member 53driver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbird View Post
    Can't help it.
    Our news reports the same outrageous shit you read and see.
    Might I suggest ????
    Based out of Canada, I think.....
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  6. #16
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
    When a police officer shoots and kills someone it is a homicide.

    When Sarah --Kinley shot gunned an intruder trying to harm her baby it is classified a homicide.

    When Joe Thug enters my house and is carried out feet first by the coroner that is a homicide.

    Don't be misled that homicide is murder. A favorite tactic of liberals.
    Thanks for pointing that distinction out. Those numbers are for ALL gun related deaths, not specifically crimes. Even so, the all-inclusive ratios speak for themselves. The lefties spotlight the microbe, while ignoring the elephant.

    Also, I personally take suicides (2/3rds) out of those statistics. If it is not a gun, it will be a bridge, train, cliff, drugs, razor blade, state sponsored euthanasia, BHOCare, belt, rope, huffing, suffixation, asphyxiation, etc.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbird View Post
    Can't help it.
    Our news reports the same outrageous shit you read and see.
    95% of the news programs are owned and operated by the Liberal Left. That's why you see this stuff. As horrible as these crimes are, the "left liberal news" takes every opportunity to sensationalize these stories, many times for political gain. Sad this happens, but it's true. I'm a life-long NRA member. As far back as I can remember, none of these mass shooting has been done by any of our members. Responsible people with guns are not a problem, it's the wackos.

  8. #18
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    Don't be to hard on the guy

    Maybe he would be happier if those killed were just thrown out of windows instead of being shot. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. The USA has 20,000 gun laws on the books. None of which stop people from killing people.
    One reason if you look back at world war 2, the only reason the Japanese didn't attack the US mainland was because they knew Americans all had guns. And if they relaxed the gun laws in Chicago and everyone was armed you would see the murder rate drop by a very large amount.

  9. #19
    Senior Member motozeke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cosborn View Post
    I'm wondering what the forum response would be to my suggestion that the US tighten up their gun laws, specifically, banning the general possession of hand guns. It seems to me that you guys are losing too many good people of all races?

    Feel free to leave a comment, I'm interested to understand how entrenched gun ownership is, and what it takes to do something about all these deaths!
    Well... you'll get an education on that from this crowd, to be sure. I think they might find it interesting to hear how Australia went from a gun ownership culture to a post-gun ownership culture. Not that it would change anybody's mind, but it might help them understand that such a transition is possible for a Western industrialized country. If it wanted to. Which America doesn't and may never want to do in my lifetime, anyway.

  10. #20
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cosborn View Post
    I'm wondering what the forum response would be to my suggestion that the US tighten up their gun laws, specifically, banning the general possession of hand guns. It seems to me that you guys are losing too many good people of all races?

    The only hand guns we have in our society these days belong to the law enforcers, and of course the criminals,don't know how we fix that one, although the criminals seem to mainly bump each other off.

    Feel free to leave a comment, I'm interested to understand how entrenched gun ownership is, and what it takes to do something about all these deaths!


    Had someone in that church been armed that massacre would have never happened. Thieves, rapists, murderers, drug dealers don't pay attention to laws. When you have someone bent on murdering at random the only thing that will stop him is someone who can defend at random. In my church we are always ready because a sicko like this will look to go where they think the guns aren't. What I'd like to know is what kind of ADD, ADHD or other psychotropic medication this animal was on. And like Adam Lanza did his mother buy him the gun.

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