First ride. From the dealership. After teaching the MSF classroom. 8:30 PM, Aug 21, getting dark/dusky.
Suspension was set on "max-comfy-sofa."
I get on the 95 North heading home. I've got 20 miles to the exit.
I clear out of traffic, get into the #1 lane and get my groove on - not the fastest vehicle I can see, but #2, or 3.
It's now dark, no one is around me, no highway lighting, high beams are on.
I glance down at the dash, wondering how to dim it, when I see the speedo....not exactly "MSF Safety Guy of the Month" material.
It was past 100.
I throttled down, forcing myself to do 65. It seemed like I was doing 25.
Amazing machine.
Alien technology.