Thanks to all for your responses.

Well, it appears that it is a problem within my computer as I have reloaded Firefox, run CCleaner multiple times, and run Firefox with all add-ons disabled and the site still is very slow with the "waiting on" message running for extended times. MS IE doesn't even let the site load and times out.

I use a Verizon wireless broadband modem as I am out in the country and have no access to cable or even DSL. When I run speedtest I get 9-10mb downloads and 5-8mb uploads so that shouldn't be a problem (Yagi antenna on roof aimed at nearest tower 2.4miles away and with low resistance cable 20 ft run to a Cradlepoint wireless router).

After receiving the feedback from all of you I decided to check my internet connection by using my company provided MacBook Air and the site runs fine so again ruling out the internet connection. I don't like to use a company machine for personal use but after the feedback here I decided to at least run this test. Will still have to correct the problem with my desktop mahine.

My old desktop that I built runs an Intel Q6600 overclocked at 3.2 MHz with 4GB fast ram and still can keep up with some of the newer processor machines so that is not the problem. Only thing left is the OS and I am running Windows XP Pro SP3 and it looks like I am going to have to finally breakdown and do a complete update on my OS to Win 7. Been putting it off as it is very time consuming but it probably should be done and this slowdown of my favorite enthusiast website forum is a good reason to take action.

Again, many thanks to all for their input.

Ride safe, compute fast.