Quote Originally Posted by BIGLRY View Post
I have serious doubt he can do it that way as the system uses a contact communications method similar to IC cards, its operation has no effect on battery life. However, the engine cannot be started if the vehicle's battery is completely discharged
Good info on the HISS system on Down Under bikes, As long as you have one old HISS chip key it is easy to make a new one and program it with a simple wiring harness no "new fangled machine" is needed, I've done several as many Rune owners have.
The issue is if you don't have the OEM HISS key there is no way anyone can make a new one including Honda, but by buying a new ECU and matching key. I assume you have two keys now from Honda and would recommend having another one made and programed then put in a very safe place.
Thanks again BIGLRY. I'll test him out over the next couple of days to see if he can copy a Honda ignition key with HISS. When I was in his shop getting the Cubby blank cut it was him that brought up the "I can copy that Chip key" comment, so I'll give him a run and if successful I will store that key away somewhere safe (most likely never to be found again on past performances )