Ah yes, the great Headlight Modulator debate.

We all use what works for us. And as always.. opinions vary.

Your two stated "facts" are not facts. They are just personal held opinions. It is a rare event that a cager will pull over for me; thinking I am an emergency vehicle. But that is good in a way; gives me a clear road ahead.

They do not "obscure" a motorcycle front turn signals. If they were that dangerous; the Federal government would not allow them on the roads.

Think about it.

Here is an "opinion" that is can be construed actually as a fact.... I sustain almost near zero "failure to yield" events by cagers when running a headlight modulator; as opposed to not running one. As evidenced yesterday (twice) when cagers violated my line of travel while astride my F6B; which currently does not have a headlight modulator.

If I am in "a ride" I do flip my beams to low; which disables the high beam modulation. I am a caring person and realize that in a pack of motorcycles; the modulation can be irritating to other bikers within it

I also will turn off modulation if stopped behind a cager (such as at a stoplight); if it appears that I am reflecting too much into their mirrors. However while underway; that modulation is turned back on....

And I do agree with you on "deer whistles" though. They don't work. Deer will do what they want. They are stupid and they cook up good.