G'day Will.
Did you manage to take your bike out in the sunlighyet? How visible is the gear indication in the speaker box?
My GiPro arrived today and I plan to fit it tomorrow or Friday.
Thanks for any recommendations.
Best wishes Will.

Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
This may help a little when you install it:

1. Remove seat
2. Remove both left side covers
3. Remove left side trim
4. Remove left side cubby hole box
5. Remove left side radio control unit (no need to totally disconnect it)
6. Remove instrument valance (pull up on it near ignition key; then pull out from dash - no need to disconnect tweeters)

Run GiPro plug end along Red dotted path. Difficult part was getting it to run behind the middle frame (Fushia arrow). Space is tight there; but you will eventually see a gap near that rubber hose where you can get it to thread through.

Once you thread the cable behind the frame; your going to want to remove the bolt (Green arrow) holding the gas tank down. Just gently pry the bracket up to get the GiPro wire behind it. Then replace bolt and tighten down.