Unfortunately for cycle riders there's more than road debris i.e. tire casings, stray mufflers, metal hangars, numerous pieces of wood and the likes to contend with on the road when riding. We have to literally have "eyes in our a$$" trying to keep safe and be ever aware of the unpredictable antics of "cagers" This video adds a new dimension to the recklessness of a "outright a$$hole" who deliberately inflicted bodily harm to two individuals and then law enforcement wants to look the other way. Might have been different had the driver pointed a gun out the window and pulled the trigger. Actually he did the equivalent with his auto, turning it into a "deadly weapon". Over the last several years there have been instances where drivers have slammed into pedestrians at malls and other venues and the outrage could be heard across the land. What needs to occur here is for the video to go "viral" and get the attention of the national media. This "Jerk" has to learn a valuable lesson that when behind the wheel of his car he is responsible for "caring about those around him". To let this guy off the hook would only give him "license" to do it again

I wonder what the reaction of law enforcement would have been had that been a Motorcycle Patrolman