I had the Honda "tall" shield installed right after purchasing the bike. It works well for what it is. The next shield I got was the Clearview large with the vent and recurve, this is a nice shield and I thought it was the hot ticket until I changed seats. The new seat put the top of my helmet in the wind blast and that was not going to happen, too much buffeting. Next I had a friend give me a stock Goldwing shield and I cut it down to fit the F6B and works really well. I wish I had cut it 2 inches taller then it would have been perfect for me. The last shield I installed is the 15 inch Madstad system. I like the idea of this but the jury is still out because now the weather is crap. The 15 inch might be just a tad tall but I can't ride it yet so i'm not sure?? It does suck to be tall and own this bike.