Obama Voters..Can you sleep at night? - Page 5
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Thread: Obama Voters..Can you sleep at night?

  1. #41
    Oh , just for the record. I pay $601 dollars a month for health ins under Obama care. I paid $324 a month before Obama care. The guy that worked for me for 17 years who I recently fired , got his health insurance free the last two years. He made $17 dollars an hour with perks which is good pay around here. He gets back about $5000 dollars a year in taxes and only pays in $1500. How you ask? He has three kids and his girlfriend doesn't work. I didn't tell him to have three kids. He missed 5 weeks work the last 10 months he worked for me. Told me "some things are more important than work". I thought about it. I pay in $7000 in federal taxes a year. He pays in $1500. I pay $7200 for health ins. He pays $0. He's making a lot more money than me. Why should he come to work. He asked me to lay him off and he would work three days a week for cash and draw unemployment. I couldn't believe it. I gave him his wish , his dream. Only thing is with his attendance record I successfully blocked his unemployment and he is not working. He has asked for his job back several times but I'm tired of people like him. Ihired a young man to replace him that loves working with me. I feel sorry for the kids but I hope the ex employee gets hungry. He lost a good job because he got cocky.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by jm21ddd15 View Post
    +1 Well said! By the way, Shooter, are you keeping dry and away from the floods? We are hearing a lot of bad news going on near St. Louis. Keep dry! Happy new year!
    Buddy I appreciate you asking. Yeah , Old Shooter lives on top of a big hill. I was around here in 93 and saw enough that I swore I would never live in a holler or where I had to cross a creek or river to get to my house. Its bad though. I live about 40 miles fro St Louis and believe it or not I couldn't have went to the city if I wanted the last two days. 44 , 70 , and 55 were all closed. I have to cross theMeramec to get there and that was impossible. Couldn't even get to Illinois to go north because of the Mississippi. Its worse than 93. I don't think 55 has ever had water across it at Arnold and it was 3 ft deep the other night. No I'm good and all my family is also. I would love to get in a small plane or helicopter and see the flood waters. Its history in the making. I hate it for the people that have been put out of their homes. If you live in a flood plain its bound to happen. The media says its a hundred year flood. We have had 5 of those hundred year floods since 1982. Go figure.

  3. #43
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grendl View Post
    The idea behind ACA was actually universal heath for everyone and yeah ,I am willing to pay and extra 5-25 dollars more in taxes to help keep people unfortunate enough to have no health care alive or give them a chance....
    FWIW, when BHOCare went into effect (and has only covered single percentage points, not what it promised), my premiums increased over $24/day x 365 days a year, not to mention all of the other tax increases. Not what I would call affordable by any means, especially when I was already paying more than 50% in taxes. Why should I work more than 6 months every year before making the first penny for my family ?

  4. #44
    I don't understand people like Grendl. Their money is being taken from them and distributed to deadbeats and foreign countries that could give a shyt less about us. Grendl , I don't hate ya brother I just don't understand you. Maybe you have a lot more money than I do or you arent working 60 hrs a week to make it. As for me , tired of carrying these other people.

  5. #45
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    I don't understand people like Grendl. Their money is being taken from them and distributed to deadbeats and foreign countries that could give a shyt less about us. Grendl , I don't hate ya brother I just don't understand you. Maybe you have a lot more money than I do or you arent working 60 hrs a week to make it. As for me , tired of carrying these other people.
    People/Employers who have to personally make a weekly/monthly payroll tend to have a different perspective.

  6. #46
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ths61 View Post
    People/Employers who have to personally make a weekly/monthly payroll tend to have a different perspective.

    There are many of us that RISK and INVEST everything we have into our companies and work 80-100 hours a week Our employees will never know what sacrifices we make to make sure they receive a pay check. Our president NEVER ran a business, he only knows how to TAKE money from those who truly work for their income, he just never sees the hours that we work …. he just sees what we earn.

    I need to invest in a MARIJUANA dispensary business, that will be easier

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  7. #47
    You're right Tony. In 47 years our employees have never missed a check. I've missed a few. I watch out for my people.

  8. #48
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    You're right Tony. In 47 years our employees have never missed a check. I've missed a few. I watch out for my people.

    I'm with you Shooter, in the past 31 years I have payed my employees many many many times before I drew any income. Prime example …. Today and every other day this week (with New Years being only 8 hours), I worked 12 hours at one of my new ventures, didn't see a dime for working there the entire week. My employees were payed and I even gave them each a nice end of year Bonus.

    I HOPE and PRAY to have some compensation when I sell the business in 3-4 years. Meantime I also watch out for my employees and their families.

    My Insurance cost thanks to the incompetent LIAR in the White House has doubled.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  9. #49
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post

    My Insurance cost thanks to the incompetent LIAR in the White House has doubled.
    C'mon Phantom, he didn't lie. He said it wouldn't cost you 1 thin dime and it didn't cost you 10 cents.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    By the time Obama leaves office the national debt will increase as much or more than Bush. At least Bush didn't lie about it and it increased to fund the war effort. Not saying the war was right or wrong. Just expensive and long lasting. At least Bush did something. Personally I would have obliterated the country in three days and stuck a flag in it. Problem over. Yes we have had change under Obama. We are now giving more if our tax dollars to lazy azz , job hating freeloaders than ever before. It doesn't matter your political affiliation , it should bother you that on a median income like mine that I pay 25% right on the paycheck to the Government. I still have to pay almost 10% sales tax plus Real Estate tax in property I already paid for and Personal Property tax on vehicles I already paid sales tax on plus all the little "taxes". License fees , inspections , business license , look at the taxes on your utility bills. All kinds of little Government Fees. Grendl I'm just gonna say it. If you think its OK to raise taxes to pay for someone's insurance cause they don't feel like working then good for you. Me , I'm pissed about it. Some are deserving and we have programs to help them. Laziness is not a cause. I'll give my vote to anyone that realizes we have a spending problem that involves handing out free money to other countries and deadbeats. Right now that's Donald Trump.
    WHICH Country? Iraq? As close as I can tell the perps were from Saudi Arabia,Afghanistan and Pakistan where Obama found and took him out.Iraq had nothing to do with it at all ! We unsettled Iraq and gave our present threats a place to start.As far as paying extra for deadbeats absolutely NOT. But I have seen good people ,making good money,work their A$$es off,long hours(no overtime) since they were "management" (another trick) out of a job with little notice and stuck. How are they going to pay for health care so graciously offered at a grand a month with no job?No Obama had to use executive powers to get even close to what he was trying to do.Folks out of work,losing their homes and until recently no jobs out there.I dont own my business ,so I have to work for a living ,boys. I pay taxes like that and it kicks my butt. Does any one remember when you could write off any interest ?
    To your point Shooter,not a dime for someone that doesn't work. Thats not my point at all. But the politicians and Wall Street that have cheated us,and screwed good people over,yeah I'm in to help...and that lets me sleep.
    I agree,if we had actually attacked the ones that threatened us,I'd have glassed that sh^t over,but we didnt..and now we are stuck with a bunch of primitive MFs and dont know which way to go. I say screw them,let them settle their own mess like we did.
    My only real point is to watch,research from many sources and try to come up with the truth,make the correct decisions.It (the truth) is in there somewhere.
    And I'll bet you a dollar if Trump becomes POTUS we are totally screwed.Better than that a tank of gas for that F6B !

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